Critical psychology around the world
The fifth Annual Review of Critical Psychology had just been published. It is now freely available as an online journal. This year's edition is called 'Critical psychology in a changing world: Contributions from different geo-political regions' and was edited by Manolis Dafermos, Athanasios Marvakis and Sofia Triliva from the University of Crete. They have included contributions from a broad spectrum of perspectives and locales, producing a volume that will serve as an excellent reference work and hopefully also contribute to the deepening of international or transnational networks of critical psychological thinking and practice.
Same sex marriages in South Africa 2
After much public debate and some invigorating activism by gay and lesbian rights groups, the South African parliament yesterday "approved the controversial Civil Unions Bill, which provides for same-sex marriage, making South Africa the first African country to do so and one of only a few in the world. (...) The bill provides for opposite-sex and same-sex couples of 18 years or older to solemnise and register a voluntary union, either by marriage or civil partnership. (...) Same-sex couples can be married by civil marriage officers and such religious marriage officers who consider these marriages not to fall outside the tenets of their religion" (news24).