Friday, March 24, 2006


An ever increasing number of quality sites for academic publication and debate function as free access e-journals. The one that keeps me busy at the moment is the quite exciting 'borderlands'. This is its editorial statement: 'borderlands is a refereed international journal that aims to promote transdisciplinary work across the humanities, work which might also intersect with diverse practices and sites in culture, policy and everyday life. Although our beginnings are modest, we hope that over time you will be able to view writings cutting across and between politics, media, literature, history, law, science, medicine, philosophy, economics, music, film and more, along with incisive debate about contemporary culture.' their motto is from rock singer, PJ Harvey: 'speak to me of universal law…of heroin and speed, of genocide and suicide, of syphilis and greed…speak to me the language of love, the language of violence, the language of the heart...just give me something i can believe.' Enough said.


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